
This website will be updated regularly with new content.  It is representing a small part of the thousands of pictures (and some videos) I took over the years.

NEW! The "Free Wallpapers" page is now available.  You will find a selection of images that can be used as Wallpapers for Windows or Apple Devices as well as for Tablets or even current iPhones!)

Last Update: May 30, 2024

Did you know ?

For the 6th time, I will be cycling from Leduc to Camrose (AB) and back (about 185km) on June 22nd and 23rd, 2024 to change the future of MS.

Over 90,000 Canadians live with MS and the need for information, resources and support programs for them is as urgent and even more critical as ever. That is why I am asking for your support in my fundraising. Again, I will ride for Jeff (Jean-Francois) and Brent as both have MS for too many years..

While Canada has one of the highest rates of MS globally, we are also home to some of the world's top MS researchers, whose work is at risk of not continuing due to the current economic situation. My fundraising for MS Bike will help support their groundbreaking work into treatments and ultimately a cure.

With every kilometre I cycle and every dollar you give, we will move that much closer to a world free of MS.

I have been involved as a volunteer for the MS Society since 2014. First as a photographer for both the MS-Walks and the MS Bikes, then I added cycling in 2016 for the first time.

For all the people with MS, I would really appreciate it if you can help my fundraising for this 2024 event. Any amount over $20 will provide an income tax receipt.

Make a secure donation online through my personal link: https://tinyurl.com/mrxpsx2e

Thank you for your support and together we can end MS.



Get in touch at agilephotograf@gmail.com